Alcohol Dependency
Studies & Case Studies
Case Reports, Surveys
Cannabis (smoked)
      Mikuriya TH. Cannabis substitution. An adjunctive therapeutic tool in the treatment of alcoholism. Medical Times 1970;98(4):187-91. 
      Mikuriya TH. Cannabis as a substitute for alcohol: a harm-reduction approach. J Cannabis Ther 2004;4(1):79-93.
Opioid Dependency
Studies & Case Studies
Case Reports, Surveys
Cannabis (smoked)
      Hermann D, Klages E, Welzel H, Mann K, Croissant B. Low efficacy of non-opioid drugs in opioid withdrawal symptoms. Addict Biol 2005;10(2):165-9.
      O'Connell TJ, Bou-Matar CB. Long term marijuana users seeking medical cannabis in California (2001-2007): demographics, social characteristics, patterns of cannabis and other drug use of  4117 applicants. Harm Reduct J 2007;4:16.
Cocaine/Crack Dependency
Studies & Case Studies
Uncontrolled Studies
Cannabis (smoked)
      Aharonovich E, Garawi F, Bisaga A, Brooks D, Raby WN, Rubin E, Nunes EV, Levin FR. Concurrent cannabis use during treatment for comorbid ADHD and cocaine dependence: effects on outcome. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2006;32(4):629-35.
      Labigalini E Jr, Rodrigues LR, Da Silveira DX. Therapeutic use of cannabis by crack addicts in Brazil. J Psychoactive Drugs 1999;31(4):451-5.
Case Reports, Surveys
Cannabis (smoked)
      Dreher M. Crack heads and roots daughters: The therapeutic use of cannabis in Jamaica. J Cannabis Ther 2002;2(3-4):121-33.
Cannabis Dependency
Studies & Case Studies
Controlled Studies
      Haney M, Hart CL, Vosburg SK, Nasser J, Bennett A, Zubaran C, Foltin RW. Marijuana withdrawal in humans: effects of oral THC or divalproex. Neuropsychopharmacology 2004;29(1):158-70.
Case Reports, Surveys
      Levin FR, Kleber HD. Use of dronabinol for cannabis dependence: two case reports and review. Am J Addict 2008;17(2):161-4.

You will find scientific information on most of the studies at Database on Clinical Studies and Case Reports.

Improvement of symptoms or positive evaluation by authors
No relevant change of symptoms or negative evaluation by authors
Deterioration of symptomshttp://www.cannabis-med.org/studies/study.phphttp://www.cannabis-med.org/studies/study.phpshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1

If you find a broken link please email us at info@angeljustice.org

   Copyright © 2011 Angel Raich.  All rights reserved.

Angel McClary Raich after the United States Supreme Court Hears her case No. 03-1454: Gonzales v. Raich 2004-05.  Angel just spoke to a large crowd of media reporters and she’s now on her way to another press conference put on by Angel Wings Patient OutReach, Inc.  November 24, 2004

The Raich v. Gonzales Case 2007 Update

Join Angel Raich on these social-media networks to stay in touch with Angel and informed medical cannabis world.


Has your property and/or assets been seized in a federal forfeiture case, commerces clause case, federal raid, federal arrest or any other type of issue where the Gonzales v. Raich case is being used? 

Your case does not have to involve medical cannabis. 

If so, we want to know about it! 

Please email Angel Raich using the link below.


October 5, 2013


October 5, 2013,

I, Angel McClary Raich, did try to stop ObamaCare & ObamaCare's Legal Ramifications - We Citizens Now Face with the Governmental Shutdown!  A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down!!   <Read More>