Who is John Ashcroft? And why is he denying medicine to ill people?

John Ashcroft holds the position of Attorney General, in which he is responsible for upholding our nation’s laws and constitution.  Prior to obtaining this position, Ashcroft’s most recent career achievement was losing an election to a dead man!


Born 9 May 1942, in Chicago, Mr Ashcroft grew up in Springfield, Missouri, where his family had moved to be nearer to the world headquarters of the Assembly of God Church.  His father was a minister in the church, and a dominant influence on the young John Ashcroft, who attended Hillcrest High School in Springfield.  In his book, Lessons from a Father to his Son, Mr Ashcroft said he woke up every morning hearing "the magisterial wake-up call" of his father's prayers. - BBC News Profile

Appointed, Attorney General, February 1, 2001

Senator, United States Senate, 1995-2001

Candidate, United States Senate, 2000 

Governor of Missouri, 1985-1993

Attorney General of Missouri, 1976-1985

Assistant Attorney General of Missouri, 1975-1976

State Auditor of Missouri, 1973-1975

Republican Nominee for US House, 1972.

A Pro-Lifer Who Wants to Kill Medical Cannabis Patients?

Ashcroft brings his own personal ideological agenda to the job – and it is one that includes a history of supporting racial segregation and opposing women’s rights.  Many other commentators have noted his widespread disregard for the constitution and for basic human rights.  At the core of his efforts seems to be a worldview that his personal religious morality should be forced on all Americans, and on all people throughout the world. It is a tradition that harkens back to the very forms of religious persecution that many who came to America were fleeing!  In many ways, his efforts to stamp out anything with which he disagrees, or does not understand, is an extension of the witch hunts, the Spanish inquisition, and other forms of religiously-related persecution.

Ashcroft’s position on medical cannabis (marijuana) seems oddly inconsistent with other positions.  Unlike other critics of medical cannabis, who argue that cannabis is not medically helpful, Ashcroft is instead arguing that EVEN IF SOMEONE REQUIRES MEDICAL CANNABIS TO SAVE THEIR LIFE – HE STILL SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE THEIR MEDICINE, AND THEIR LIFE, AWAY!

In documents submitted to the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, John Ashcroft (in the case, Raich v. Ashcroft), surprisingly, does not dispute the uncontested medical evidence submitted to the court.  This medical evidence documented that Angel McClary Raich suffers from severe and life-threatening conditions (including an inoperable brain tumor) – and requires medical cannabis to control these conditions.  In addition, the evidence showed that other artificial medicines were not successful in treating her, and that she could suffer extreme harm, including death, if her medical cannabis is taken away. The Ninth Circuit Federal Appeals court has now unanimously upheld the ruling that it is unconstitutional for the Federal government to interfere with patient’s medical cannabis use.  Nonetheless, our tax dollars are still being used to persecute medical cannabis patients.  In other situations, Ashcroft has talked about his own belief in the sanctity of life. Yet, he believes it is okay to kill an innocent woman to make a political point.  In his (failed) petition for re-hearing before the Ninth Circuit, Ashcroft argues that private medical cannabis use in which no money changes hands should be considered exactly the same as “the manufacture, distribution, and possession of marijuana and other controlled substances” for non-medical purposes. (Petition for Re-Hearing, page 7).

State’s Rights?

John Ashcroft has often espoused a belief in State’s rights, and feels that laws governing important aspects of our lives should be decided at the State government level, without Federal involvement. Yet, when it comes to medical cannabis, he suddenly disapproves of the rights of states to make their own laws.  California explicitly authorizes the use of cannabis with a physician’s recommendation.  People who are being arrested with our tax dollars are following the democratically-enacted law under which they live.

A Fear of Calico Cats And Statues?  Shortly after becoming Attorney General, John Ashcroft was headed abroad.  An advance team showed up at the American embassy in the Hague to check out the digs, saw cats in residence, and got nervous.  They were worried there might be a calico cat.  No, they were told, no calicos.  Visible relief.  Their boss, they explained, believes calico cats are signs of the devil.


Once in Washington, D.C., Ashcroft spent thousands of taxpayer dollars to hide a statue from public view, because the statue (like many traditional and celebrated works) revealed a breast.

Why do we bring this up?  Not because his fear of cats or statues is especially important – but to point out that Ashcroft seems to think both cats and cannabis are a sign of the devil – and thus, to be feared regardless of the actual evidence. 

John Ashcroft’s religious and historical background, and the role it plays in his political life has been documented by the press. See, e.g., 




        John Ashcroft


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   Copyright © 2011 Angel Raich.  All rights reserved.

Angel McClary Raich after the United States Supreme Court Hears her case No. 03-1454: Gonzales v. Raich 2004-05.  Angel just spoke to a large crowd of media reporters and she’s now on her way to another press conference put on by Angel Wings Patient OutReach, Inc.  November 24, 2004

The Raich v. Gonzales Case 2007 Update

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October 5, 2013


October 5, 2013,

I, Angel McClary Raich, did try to stop ObamaCare & ObamaCare's Legal Ramifications - We Citizens Now Face with the Governmental Shutdown!  A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down!!   <Read More>